Coronavirus update: Are we prepared?
What's going on with coronavirus? on 1A
American life expectancy is down @1A
Is a cure for HIV on the horizon? Don't get excited just yet.
Diane Rehm Show: How bad will Zika get?
Prevent Cancer: What your zip code says about cancer
Diane Rehm: Why U.S. officials are calling for urgent action against Zika
You should read anything Dr. Paul Offit writes but especially Bad Faith and Do You Believe in Magic? And Deadly Choices is a scary look at the anti-vaccine movement. There's no one smarter or braver.
Dr. Peter Hotez and Art Caplan have really said it all with Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism. Both of these energetic and knowledgeable professionals have been patient sources for me over the years.
Ron is a great journalist, an incredibly nice man and, as this book attests, a marvelous father. This book is a love letter to a son who is clearly someone very special. Love That Boy. Read it.
Want to understand how Washington talks? Buy and read Dog Whistles, Walk-Backs and Washington Handshakes. Then read Nuclear Reactions.
So many alumni of National Journal have written really illuminating books. Jill Lawrence gives some hope with The Art of the Political Deal. Washington can work, when people decide to do it.
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